PouLab Helps Host GBSfN 2024!

The annual reunion of Baltimore Neuroscientists, the Greater Baltimore Society for Neuroscience (GBSfN) meeting, took place this year in Westminster Hall (the famous resting place of Edgar Allan Poe) on the University of Maryland campus in downtown Baltimore, and the lab was front and center! Alex served as GBSfN President this year, and all lab members pitched in with logistics and science to make this an awesome day for Baltimore Neuro!

Over 170 members (from undergrads to Institute Directors) across our 9 academic institutions, with representatives from government and industry partners came together to celebrate Baltimore Neuroscience. We honored Baltimore icons like Vernon Mountcastle, Sol Snyder, and Linda Richards; discussed the evolving neuroscience technology toolkit with guest speaker George Church; and topped it all off with food, drinks, posters, and neuro-nerd bar trivia. What a day! Thank you to all that made it possible…


JaNýa n’ Team Win Grand Prize in Case Challenge ’24 at the National Academy of Medicine!

Congratulations to JaNýa Brown, who’s team won the grand prize at the 2024 D.C. Public Health Case Challenge at the National Academy of Medicine!!! Their proposal “Guiding Resilience and Offering Wellness (GROW)” came in at the top of this year’s competition on “A Public Health Approach to Address Substance Use and Mental Health Concerns Among Emerging Adults in the DMV Area”. Read all about it in the linked press release by the NAM!

Two collaborative papers just out on new methods for in vivo CRISPR delivery!

The first study, led by the Mackis Lab at Harvard University and featured in Cell Reports, develops an approach for delivering genes, including Cas9, to select neural populations by in utero electroporation. This method achieves internally-controlled mosaicism that facilitates phenotype discovery in the developing brain.

The second paper, from the Suk Lab at UMSOM and published in ACS Nano, demonstrates our ability to target Cas9 mRNA to select foci in the adult brain. This was achieved through systemic delivery using lipid nanoparticles, coupled with localized targeting by microbubble-mediated focused ultrasound. This non-viral strategy represents a significant advance in treating adult brain disorders by enabling focal genome editing directly in the adult brain.

Together, these studies represent substantial progress in non-viral CRISPR delivery methods for both developing and adult brains. By expanding the in vivo CRISPR toolkit, we are laying the groundwork for the development of neural somatic cell genome editing as future genomic therapeutics.

Congratulations Luciano and Gijung!

Corinne Martin Named 2023 Goldwater Scholar!!!

Corinne Martin was awarded a 2023 national Goldwater Scholarship!!! We couldn’t be prouder of her! Corinne spent two years as an NSIP intern in the lab, critically working on Pegassist and researching the links between brain development and brain cancer. Corinne’s ideas spawned new paths of investigation on how common cellular pathways in development get aberrantly reactivated in tumor cells. With a Goldwater scholarship, we are all excited to see the new frontiers Corinne will take on at the forefront of biomedical research! Congratulations Corinne!!!



PouLab at SfN 2022

Follow our science at the 4 PouLab posters at SfN 2022 in San Diego!

Cheryl Brandenburg on Monday morning (Y5):
Light sheet mapping of parvalbumin subtypes of Purkinje cells using in vivo CRISPR strategies

Colin Robertson on Monday afternoon (YY36):
Neural somatic genome editing in the brain for personalized patient models

Garrett Bunce and Ro Whitten on Wednesday morning (B31):
The novel gene Ganon-1 produces a scaffolding RNA for growth signaling in developing axon projections

Andrea Romanowski on Wednesday morning (C45):
Mosaic Cas9 fusions to investigate cortical wiring by IgLON schizophrenia risk-genes in the rodent brain”

See you all at #SFN2022

All in a day’s work…

Garrett hosts NOVA’s Halal on the Lawn, then gives a talk on the lncRNA he discovered; Andrea does supply runs, then gives a talk on multiplexing schizophrenia risk genes with CRISPR; Elise handles donation logistics, and attends both talks! And at the end of a good day’s work, the lab celebrates Alex’s birthday.