Congrats to Dr. Bek Altas and our collaborator Prof. Hiroshi Kawabe from Gunma University, Japan, who teased apart a complicated network of cellular interactions between neurons and glia in the brain that cause seizures. Mechanisms of proteostasis and downstream ion gradient homeostasis in astrocytes results in epileptiform network activity in neurons, possibly informing about the pathophysiology behind rare forms of epilepsy with gene variants of the ubiquitin pathway. Read all about it!
Presenting Dr. Garrett Crutcher, PhD!
Following a daunting quest through enchanted forests, poisonous swamps, and Neuroscience monster Bosses, Garrett Crutcher successfully defended his PhD, with his wits and his sword, against Ganon-1, the non-coding hybrid RNA he discovered in his PhD. Having fulfilled this quest, the sun shines a little brighter in the realms of UMSOM Neuroscience…
PouLab posters at SfN 2023
Calling all Neuroscientists!!!
Come check out all the PouLab posters at SfN 2023
Sunday pm session: “Genetic Techniques to Target and/or Manipulate Cells”, three back-to-back posters :
- VV22: Find out what the best tag is for labeling your protein by Knockin at Andrea Romanowski‘s poster!/10892/presentation/39783 - VV23: Learn about how some genes are resistant to CRISPR-activation at Ashley Marquardt‘s poster!/10892/presentation/39785 - VV24: Get to see Neuroligin 3 for the first time in the human brain and how it might be used against brain cancer at Ro Whitten‘s poster!/10892/presentation/39784
Monday am session “Animal Models of Epilepsy: Genetics and Pharmacology”:
- C57: Learn about an exciting new way to model individual epilepsy patients in mice using prime editing from Colin Robertson‘s poster!/10892/presentation/32416
Wednesday pm session “Mechanisms Underlying Axon Growth and Targeting”:
- B14: Hear about a strange non-coding RNA that is involved in axon growth and potentially regeneration at Garrett Crutcher‘s poster!/10892/presentation/33556
Celebrate neuroscience with us!!!
Cas9-RC on the cover of The CRISPR Journal!
Ryan Richardson’s paper describing the development of Cas9-RC, a new CRISPR agent with increased performance for knockin, is out in the October 2023 issue of The CRISPR Journal.
Not only that, but the paper got the cover! Kudos to Cheryl Brandenburg for the beautiful image of knockin neurons and astrocytes using Cas9-RC in the developing mouse brain. Congrats to the whole team for concluding this large piece of Synth Bio meets Dev Neurosci!
We would be delighted to have you try out Cas9-RC for your own knockin needs. Plasmids will become available on Addgene within the next few days!

Corinne Martin Named 2023 Goldwater Scholar!!!
Corinne Martin was awarded a 2023 national Goldwater Scholarship!!! We couldn’t be prouder of her! Corinne spent two years as an NSIP intern in the lab, critically working on Pegassist and researching the links between brain development and brain cancer. Corinne’s ideas spawned new paths of investigation on how common cellular pathways in development get aberrantly reactivated in tumor cells. With a Goldwater scholarship, we are all excited to see the new frontiers Corinne will take on at the forefront of biomedical research! Congratulations Corinne!!!
The Brain’s Dark Transcriptome review out in Current Opinion Neurobiology!
Did you know that an estimated 40% of RNA in the brain is not captured by single-cell RNAseq?
Explore the intriguing world of the Brain’s Dark Transcriptome in our latest review, published in Current Opinion in Neurobiology! Check out the other great reviews in this special issue on Developmental Neuroscience edited by Debby Silver and Franck Polleux!
PouLab at SfN 2022
Follow our science at the 4 PouLab posters at SfN 2022 in San Diego!

Cheryl Brandenburg on Monday morning (Y5):
“Light sheet mapping of parvalbumin subtypes of Purkinje cells using in vivo CRISPR strategies“
Colin Robertson on Monday afternoon (YY36):
“Neural somatic genome editing in the brain for personalized patient models“
Garrett Bunce and Ro Whitten on Wednesday morning (B31):
“The novel gene Ganon-1 produces a scaffolding RNA for growth signaling in developing axon projections“
Andrea Romanowski on Wednesday morning (C45):
“Mosaic Cas9 fusions to investigate cortical wiring by IgLON schizophrenia risk-genes in the rodent brain”
See you all at #SFN2022
Dr. Cheryl Brandenburg receives SfN Trainee Professional Development Award!
New PhD student Ro Whitten joins the lab!
Phosphorylation of Neuroligin-3
Our work on how the synaptic adhesion molecule Neuroligin-3 is targeted to either excitatory or inhibitory synapses based on phosphorylation is now available on the bioRxiv! Congrats to Bekir Altas, Liam Tuffy, Annarita Patrizi and the rest of the team in this international collaboration between the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, and the University of Turin.